Propolis from each country has a diverse range of compounds. Globally, there more than 180 different chemicals in propolis with floral type determining the composition for each country. As not all propolis is the same, scientists look at propolis from different regions to compare their properties.
New Zealand propolis has been widely researched due to unique New Zealand environment.
New Zealand’s plants and trees are exposed to high ultraviolet concentration requiring them to produce elevated concentrations of bioactive compounds to protect themselves. Consequently, New Zealand CAPE-rich propolis has become of great interest to researchers.

In summary New Zealand Propolis have been found to contain:
+ high concentrations of Phenolic Acids and Flavonoids
+ Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE),
a key Phenolic compound intensively researched by the world’s medical and
scientific community
+ six flavonoids in the largest concentration of any propolis worldwide -
our test results demonstrate at least 200mg per 1 ml of propolis liquid.
+ CAPE and the six flavonoids working synergistically in propolis matrix to
elevate health outcomes for users
Flavonoid Composition
Comparison of Propolis from different geographical areas

Source: S. Kumazawa et al. / Food Chemistry 84 (2004) 329–339
Testing results for flavonoid levels in propolis samples from different geographical locations demonstrated New Zealand propolis has the highest total level of 5 major flavonoids.

So what are the health benefits of different compounds found in propolis?
Propolis Properties varies based on the location it originates in
Studies demonstrated
New Zealand propolis contains exceptionally high levels of beneficial flavonoids and phenol acids and esters in comparison to other countries.
In particular, caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is found at high levels compared to other countries:

Source: Peng et al, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sydney, 2006
Since 1988 numerous scientific papers have been published showing the health benefits of CAPE.
CAPE in Propolis is
more bioavailable


CAPE 是一種天然的生物活性化合物。它自然存在於一些植物中,可以從蜂膠中獲得。自 1988 年以來,已經發表了許多科學論文,顯示了 CAPE 的健康益處。
研究人員已經證明 CAPE 是影響蜂膠健康特性的關鍵化合物之一。







Helena Health shows with its PRO-CAPE guarantee:
+ its propolis is 100% sourced from New Zealand
+ there is at least 30mg/10gm of CAPE alone plus
200mg of other flavonoids
per 1ml of propolis liquid
+ its propolis is sourced from a pristine environment clear of pollution
New Zealand CAPE-rich Propolis a natural solution protecting against a wide range of critical health conditions