Why Choose New Zealand Propolis?
Propolis potencies differ from country to country.
Research shows New Zealand propolis is CAPE-rich unlike any other propolis around the world.
Why does propolis potency
differ across countries?
It’s all to do with how propolis is made.
To make propolis, bees collect natural resins from the trees and plants in their immediate environments. Different environments produce different trees and plants which, in turn, produce different natural resins, to adjust their wellbeing to surrounding environment conditions such as high UV exposure in New Zealand.
That’s why propolis from a specific country varies from propolis made elsewhere.
Benefits of
New Zealand propolis
New Zealand’s plants and trees are exposed to high ultraviolet concentration requiring them to produce elevated concentrations of bioactive compounds to protect themselves.
Consequently, New Zealand CAPE-rich propolis has become of great interest to researchers.

What makes New Zealand propolis so special?
New Zealand is well known for its biodiversity and unique climate. A combination of favorable conditions as plentiful rains and long periods of sun shine with harsh environmental phenomenon as thin ozone layer made its impact on our
flora. Plants and trees, over time, have adapted to survive and withstand high UV radiation by producing and coating themselves in protective and recovering enzymes.
When it comes to making propolis, the bees here in New Zealand have not only a diverse but a unique range of material to work with to make New Zealand propolis, and science seems to confirm as much.
In tests, New Zealand propolis has been found to contain particularly high levels of bioflavonoids and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE), a bioactive compound with antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic properties.
New Zealand propolis has been found to contain extraordinarily high levels of both bioflavonoids and Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE). It’s thought that these two substances are responsible for propolis’s protective properties.
Today, people use propolis as a natural product to support their own immune systems.

CAPE molecule
Known for its low availability though, CAPE in propolis works synergistically with the other lipids and bioflavonoids, that according to Professor Maruta* make CAPE 6 times more bioavailable in the matrix of New Zealand Propolis